~/bidyadhar $ cd about/
~/bidyadhar/about (main) $ cat README.md
Hello there! I'm Bidyadhar, a cloud developer from India, passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AWS and blockchain to build innovative solutions I specialize in cloud development and have a strong interest in blockchain.With a knack for adaptability and a keen eye for detail, I am always looking to expand my skill set. While I am proficient in Python, Solidity, and working with AWS services, I am actively exploring Chainlink, Remix, and other tools to enhance my blockchain expertise. I enjoy crafting solutions that make a tangible impact, like my recent healthcare app for rural communities and blockchain-based carpooling system.
~/bidyadhar $ cd skillsAndTools/Proficient
~/bidyadhar/skillsAndTools/Proficient (main) $ ls
- technology/
- JavaScript
- Python
- git
- oracle
- Solidity
- APIs
- tools/
- AWS Lambda
- DynamoDB
- Amplify
- Cognito
- Node.js
- Remix
- Chainlink
~/bidyadhar $ cd HobbiesAndInterests/
~/bidyadhar/HobbiesAndInterests (main) $ ls
- 🎨 painting
- 🎬 movies
- 👨💻 blockchain experiments
- 🌿 exploring nature
- 📚 tech blogs